Do you wanna build a snowman? Sorry, that one line will probably be lodged in your head for the rest of the day. And for good reason: Frozen pretty much took over the radio, TV and internet this past year. Even if you make it a point not to watch kids’ movies, you’ve probably heard […]
#Halloween13: 6-Ingredient Pumpkin Muffins with Streusel Topping (Day 3)

There are few things cuter than a micro muffin topped with streusel. It’s like a toddler dressing up in his parents’ closet. Like, “aw, you think you’re all grown up!” Cue mushy talk and squeals. That’s basically the reaction I had when I pulled these treats out of the oven. I wanted to test out […]
#Halloween13: Robin Williams Costume Ideas (Day 2)

We almost didn’t write this post. We didn’t want to, because we didn’t want it to be misinterpreted. Halloween costumes based on a deceased celebrity can really go one of two ways: a lighthearted tribute to a favorite star or, more often than not, a tasteless joke on who the person died. And we’re […]
#Halloween13: Guardians of the Galaxy Costume Ideas (Day 1)

Chris Pratt basically became the male Jennifer Lawrence when Guardians of the Galaxy came out. You know, the guy everybody suddenly wanted to be friends with, who made us collectively go, “Oh, why haven’t we known about this guy already? He’s pretty funny!” (Unless you’re a hipster, in which case, you were all like, “Ugh. […]
#Halloween13 BONUS: Grumpy Cat Costume Ideas

With as much time as we devote to pop culture costume ideas, deciding what we want to be each year doesn’t come easy. We can never make up our minds. Okay, I’ll stop with the royal “we” — Nate can make up his mind fairly quickly, but me? I flip-flop more than the flapjacks at […]
Throwback Thursday: Taylor Swift Costume Ideas (Day 13)

For our final costume, we scoured our search results to update one of our most popular looks to date. With all of the Gagas, Kardashians and Honey Boo Boos in our past, we were surprised to find that one of the most sought-after styles is also one of the tamest (and chic-est): Taylor Swift. When […]
“What the…?” Wednesday: The “Sharknado” Costume (Day 12)

Some might call it absurd. We call it absurdly brilliant. In honor of the SyFy film that took the Internet by storm, we bring you not one but TWO takes on the Sharnado costume. Proceed at your own risk. And cue “Eye of the Tiger(head Shark).” Sharknado, Take One: Dress up as a shark. Commence […]
TV Tuesday: Orange is the New Black Costume (Day 11)

If Netflix silenced its critics with House of Cards, it forced them to fumble through awkward apologies when Orange is the New Black premiered. The show is gritty, intense and at times, downright disgusting (see: McMuffin breakfast, episode uno), but it’s always compelling. Channel your inner Chapman, Red or Taystee in this jailbird getup, and […]
Music Monday: The “Thrift Shop” Macklemore Costume (Day 10)

Let’s face it: You know you were singing this song all summer. And this song made you suddenly want to ditch the mall to hit up the thrift store All. Day. Long. So you might as well embrace your finds — and the fact that John Wayne’s got nothing on your fringe game, either — […]
Foodie Friday: Spooky Spicy Black Bean Dip

Jarred salsa has a new nemesis, and it’s not on the grocery aisle. It’s a black bean dip you can make in five minutes. It’s dorm-approved. And it’s loaded with fiber and flavor. Plus, you can cut out a Jack-O’-Lantern, skull or ghost’s face in cheese and melt it on top for bonus festive-party points. […]