Collegiate Cook may have been founded as a cooking blog for college students, but over the years, it’s seen its greatest traction every Oct. 1-31st, when the site spends anywhere from 13 to 15 days devoting every post to all things All Hallows Eve. Dubbed #Halloween13 (after its founding year, 2013, and the 13 original […]
Last-Minute Halloween Dessert: Graveyard Chocolate Pudding Cups

Growing up, Graveyard pudding — complete with Cool Whip-blob ghosts and Milano cookie tombstones — seemed like it was featured in every woman’s magazine my mom read. I saw it everywhere, but I never actually had it in real life. Worms and dirt, sure, but not the towering wonder that was a full-blown jiggly dessert cemetery. […]
The Perfect Costume for 2015: Back to the Future

For the past three years, we’ve all fallen victim to the Back to the Future hoax: You know, that mid-October day when a friend posts Facebook photo — or shares said photo from some questionable COOL LIFE HACKS & FREE FOLLOWERS Facebook page — of what appears to be a screencap from the movie, along […]
“Once Upon A Time” Costume Ideas

For fans of “Once Upon A Time,” this season’s about to get really interesting. (And if you haven’t seen it, stop reading this post and start binge-watching. Then come back. We’ll wait.) The show has centered on Emma Swan, the protagonist who has to continually protect — and save — the town of Storybrooke, a […]
Taylor Swift Costume Ideas: “Bad Blood” and “Blank Space”

With all of Taylor Swift’s hits over the past year, her music videos (and 1989 tour) are rife with ideas for incredible costumes. In the past, we’ve done looks based on “Shake It Off,” “22” and “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” but this year, we’re going all out. First up: Bad Blood. Your […]
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Costume

You couldn’t get the theme song out of your head until a few weeks ago*, so it’s only fitting that you put on your favorite light-up sneakers and get overly excited about the world, just like Kimmy Schmidt herself. You could go as newly rescued Kimmy, in her full bomb shelter, doomsday cult garb, but […]
Harley Quinn & Suicide Squad Halloween Costume Ideas

Even though Suicide Squad isn’t set to hit theaters until August 2016, people can’t stop talking about the movie. From the cast’s Instagram posts that redefine #squadgoals to the interviews about the making of the flick (including that time Jared Leto, AKA the Joker, gave castmate Margot Robbie, AKA Harley Quinn, a live rat as […]
#Halloween13 BONUS: Ciderini Cocktails

Why should mimosas get all the Champagne-splashed fun? This insanely easy cocktail is inspired by the classic brunchtime drink — just sub out the OJ for apple cider. The key to the perfect Ciderini (or mimosa, for that matter), is a one to one ratio of juice to Champagne, where you pour the bubbly first, […]
Last-Minute Halloween Costumes That Don’t Suck (2014 Edition)

Because you couldn’t settle on a costume idea, and now it’s too late to spend 32 hours custom-making your own Comic Con-worthy look. Because you had no plans for Halloween, until that Facebook invite came in half an hour ago. Because you don’t want to spend $90 on a chintzy polyester little nothing of an […]
#Halloween13: Pretty Little Liars Costume Ideas

We can’t tell you who A is (does anyone REALLY know?), but we can help you come up with a Pretty Little Liars costume that would make Allison DiLaurentiis wickedly jealous. Dressing like the Liars is easy, thanks to their clothing line at Aeropostale. However, Hannah, Aria, Spencer and Emily’s looks aren’t so definitive that […]