Making your own salad dressing just seems like overkill, doesn’t it? I mean, how could it be easier — or tastier — than the store-bought, premade kind? That’s what I always thought, until I read Shauna Niequist’s Bread and Wine, and I felt like I had to at least give it a shot. And now […]
Microwave Risotto Using I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Deliciously Simple

When the temperature dips somewhere between freezing and Star Wars‘ Hoth, a bowl of creamy risotto is just what you crave to thaw out and become human again. If you’ve always shied away from the dish after hearing horror stories of all the stirring, stirring, stirring the dish requires (seriously, some recipes showed 40 minutes […]
The January 2014 Cooking Challenge

Why hello, 2014. It’s a new year, a new semester — and, if you’re anything like us, a chance to recommit to cooking more and dining out less (our wallets — and muffin tops — are really begging us on this one). So, in honor of a fresh beginning, we’re launching something new at Collegiate […]
4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Pie (PS–it’s healthy!)

This is so easy to make you’ll start keeping Oreo pie crusts on hand at all times.
3-Ingredient Pumpkin Muffin Tops

Ever since I heard you could blend an egg with Reese’s peanut butter cups, bake it and make cookies, I’ve been obsessed with 2- and 3-ingredient recipes. They just seem foolproof! And easy! And you’re only buying two things, so it can’t be that pricey, right?! (Well, if you’re whipping up a big batch of […]
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Pie: The BEST Holiday Dessert Around

Going home for the holidays usually means a battery of questions: How are your classes going? Are you sure about your major? What about your minor? How do you like your roommates? How about those [insert school mascot here]? If you want to deflect some of that attention, there’s one surefire way to do it: […]
Cook Like a Nona: Homemade Pomodoro Sauce (AKA Tomato Sauce)

My whole life, tomato sauce has come straight from a can. It’s what I know. It’s what I’m comfortable with. But, after trying pizza with an almost-sweet, crushed tomato sauce, I decided I wanted — nay, needed — to take the marinara-makin’ into my own hands (err, saucepan). With just five ingredients — half of […]
Wait, This is Healthy?! Baked Apples with Streusel Recipe

Let’s face it: Some days, there is no time to bake pie. (Blasphemy, I know, especially when you have a classic recipe on hand like this one, or these oven-baked apple empanadas. Eegads!) But, even on a harried Tuesday, when you’re frantically tossing your bag on the couch as your mind races through the work […]
Foodie Friday: 3-Ingredient Ghost Truffles

I was ready to moonwalk down the street to the tune of “Casper, the Friendly Ghost” when I thought of this recipe. It was the perfect combination of the truffles that captured Buzzfeed’s attention AND Halloween goofiness. I knew, as sure as I knew (uh, spoiler alert!) that Miley Cyrus was going to be the […]
Recipe Test: Georgetown Cupcake’s Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Is the Kallinis sisters’ cupcake recipe worth the cost of ingredients? Check out our review.