Collegiate Cook may have been founded as a cooking blog for college students, but over the years, it’s seen its greatest traction every Oct. 1-31st, when the site spends anywhere from 13 to 15 days devoting every post to all things All Hallows Eve. Dubbed #Halloween13 (after its founding year, 2013, and the 13 original […]
Parties, Holidays & Fun
Last-Minute Halloween Dessert: Graveyard Chocolate Pudding Cups

Growing up, Graveyard pudding — complete with Cool Whip-blob ghosts and Milano cookie tombstones — seemed like it was featured in every woman’s magazine my mom read. I saw it everywhere, but I never actually had it in real life. Worms and dirt, sure, but not the towering wonder that was a full-blown jiggly dessert cemetery. […]
The Perfect Costume for 2015: Back to the Future

For the past three years, we’ve all fallen victim to the Back to the Future hoax: You know, that mid-October day when a friend posts Facebook photo — or shares said photo from some questionable COOL LIFE HACKS & FREE FOLLOWERS Facebook page — of what appears to be a screencap from the movie, along […]
Snapchat Ghost Costume

Whether you love the app or are absolutely convinced it’s what those punk youths use to do the sexting with each other, one thing’s for sure: Snapchat is a huge part of our cultural conversation. Everyone’s buzzing about it, which makes the costume a natural icebreaker. It’s the perfect thing to wear to a party […]
Saved By the Bell Costume Ideas

Last summer, an off-Broadway spoof/musical of Saved By the Bell reintroduced me to a show I rarely ever watched — and suddenly wondered why I hadn’t. (Aside from being far too consumed by my love of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Darkwing Duck during those formative years.) The cheesy one-liners! The Max hangouts! The time Jessie […]
Donald Trump Costume

The Apprentice brought The Donald into every American household, showing us all the man knows how to hire and fire people. This year’s Republican presidential debates showed us a whole new side of Donald Trump: One that made some people want to hire him to lead the Oval Office…and made many more wish he’d fire himself. […]
“Empire” Costume Ideas

The only thing more enjoyable than watching Cookie Lyon, the ex-wife of a drug dealer-turned-hip-hop mogul, plot to get half of her ex’s fortune is copying her fierce-yet-fabulous style. I mean, really. The woman knows how to rock a scowl and a red lip. This could be a couple’s costume, with your guy dressing up […]
“Elastic Heart” Sia Costume

Admit it: Sia’s songs get lodged in your brain for days, and even if Maddie Ziegler’s dance moves in “Chandelier” and “Elastic Heart” creeped you out at first, you’re now kind of into the look. Particularly for Halloween. (Especially if it means you get to interpretive dance everywhere you go.) Here’s how to copy Sia […]
“Once Upon A Time” Costume Ideas

For fans of “Once Upon A Time,” this season’s about to get really interesting. (And if you haven’t seen it, stop reading this post and start binge-watching. Then come back. We’ll wait.) The show has centered on Emma Swan, the protagonist who has to continually protect — and save — the town of Storybrooke, a […]
“Jurassic World” Costume Ideas

When you have a movie featuring velociraptors as fiendishly adorable as the ones in Jurassic World, you need some serious star power to keep them from completely stealing the show. Chris Pratt almost achieved that. Almost. Kidding. But really, if you don’t want to commit to a full-on dino costume, Chris Pratt isn’t a bad […]