It all started with a joke. After a long day of work, rummaging through the fridge, Nate stared at a bottle of Jack Daniel’s and a half-gallon of cider. “I think I’m going to make an apple sui-cider,” he joked, scouring the fridge for anything else we had on hand. “Sui-cider?! That’s a recipe!” I […]
Halloween Costumes & Recipes
Halloween costume ideas, recipes and party-planning inspiration
Bob Ross Costume
Even if you only caught PBS when you lost the remote and had to manually flip through channels, you’ve heard of Bob Ross. The painter known for his “happy trees” and sheer ability to make every mountaintop, sunset and pine tree suddenly seem as easy as a light swoosh or two makes for one attention-getting […]
Hocus Pocus Costumes

Few movies are as inextricably linked to Halloween as Hocus Pocus (The Nightmare Before Christmas, definitely, Halloween, of course, Casper too — maybe Halloweentown. Maybe.). It’s been 23 years since the movie debuted, and it’s become a tradition-bordering-on-obsession for many people to rewatch it every single October. I’ve always been a fan, but I never […]
Trumpkin and the Incredible Hilk

It’s impossible to avoid politics — even on Halloween — during election years. The candidates are top of everyone’s mind, so naturally, they often inspire costume ideas (or spin-offs based on the news — remember Joe the Plumber back in 2008?). This year, however, the campaign trail has involved so much controversy that it’s starting […]
It’s the Great (Stuffed) Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

Quin-whaaat?! I know, I know — this recipe seems way off from our usual stuff, but we wanted to try something new. Something a little bit out there. And that’s how we found ourselves peeling, deseeding and cubing a pumpkin at 9:38 on a Thursday night, all to come up with a quinoa, sausage and […]
Spice Girls Costume Ideas

Every Halloween party needs a well-timed throwback — a conversation-starter that taps into your sense of nostalgia. The Spice Girls may have peaked in the late ’90s, but their songs are still impossible to get out of your head to this day, and their looks are immediately recognizable, making the pop group a perfect squad […]
Global Guts Costumes

The ’90s were the golden — err, radioactive slime green? — era of Nickelodeon TV. Legends of the Hidden Temple, Rugrats, Rocko’s Modern Life, Double Dare, What Would You Do?, Angry Beavers — with that lineup, it’s not surprising the company created a separate TV channel that continuously replays all of its classic shows. (It’s […]
Harley Quinn Costume Ideas

Halloween 2016 belongs to Harley Quinn. The costume is going to be everywhere this fall — shoot, it’s already everywhere this fall, considering Margot Robbie’s Suicide Squad look is plastered front and center in just about every ad or window display for Halloween costumes this year. This might deter some people (and for them, we […]
Candy Corn Magic Bars: The Best Way to Use Up Leftover Candy

If you somehow wind up with extra Halloween candy this year — or you go HAM at the grocery store, only to realize you can’t be trusted with such a bounty mere feet away from you — you’ve got to try these Candy Corn Magic Bars. These gooey bars are totally customizable, so you can […]
Pokemon Costume Ideas

If you want to be the very best, like no one ever was — then you probably need to be playing Pokemon Go all day, every day, in order to keep up with the diehards who’ve been scouring the Earth, grinding Pidgeys and hitting the gym more often than the bros in your chem class […]