It’s late. You’re craving a candy bar (even just a little bite), but you’re not feeling like making that trek to the convenience store. As long as you have chocolate chips and some cereal on hand, you don’t have to. These Crunchy Chocolate Bars are the best way to make use of that old ice […]
Food Hacks
The Best Thing to Do With A Frozen Vegetable Medley

Dilemmas, dilemmas. So when I was staring down a $1 bag of vegetable medley — you know, that mix of carrots, broccoli and cauliflower — I realized I had to do something other than steam it this time. I found Smitten Kitchen’s recipe for Broccoli Fritters, and got experimenting. It turns out, vegetable medley works […]
The Best of Both Worlds: Cookie Brownies

I don’t even know what to call these treats, other than So Delicious You’ll Skip Dinner and Hide the Whole Pan from Your Roommates. Since that’s kind of a long name, and I still haven’t settled on a celebrity couple-style mashup (Brookies? Cooknies? Brownkies?), we’ll just call ’em what they are: Cookie Brownies. You can […]
Cinna-meat Rolls (AKA Why You Need to Know Meghan Rose)

What can a skunk teach you about making cinnamon rolls? Nothing. But her owner, Meghan Rose, can show you a TON!
The Secret to Better Packed Lunches

Say sayonara to smooshed sandwiches and smashed slivers of potato chips. These are your tricks to a better packed lunch!
Benny & Joon-style Grilled Cheese Tutorial

Put that iron to use — we know you’re not pressing your khakis with it!
Mastering the Basics: No-mess meatloaf

Keep your hands clean with this creative approach to preparing meatloaf.
Cheese Quesadillas Cooked Using an Iron

I believe Napoleon Dynamite taught us that it’s pronounced kay-suh-dill-uh.