Oh, Flappy Bird — the little app that stole people’s sanity, point by point. It’s the first time we’ve heard of people bragging about high scores in the low double digits. And now, it’s a workout: For every point you earn, you must do a push-up. To make things even more interesting (or infuriating), you […]
How to Conquer P90X as a Group (Even When Your Schedules Are Crazy)

We’ve all heard that it’s easier to stick to your fitness goals when you work out with others, but maintaining a routine that works for everyone’s schedules—and keep up a nutrition plan when you’re constantly on-the-go—can be a whole new level of challenging. Michelle Joy shows how she makes it work for her and her […]
Meet Your New Personal Trainer: YouTube

Excellent news: Most college campuses offer free memberships to the school’s gym while you’re a student there! (In fact, there’s often an “activities fee” rolled into the cost of each credit hour to cover this.) Not-so-excellent news: Many days, it may be hard to convince your body to wake up early, change, hit the gym, […]
The Best Yoga Class You Can Go To Any Time You Want

Downward dogs at 2 a.m., after a midnight run to the cafeteria? Sure. Warrior poses while cramming for that biology exam? You got it. Sun salutations at 3 p.m. on a Tuesday because you don’t have class today and really slept in? Go for it. That’s what I love about Erin Motz and Do You […]
5 Things to Love About June

Free yoga sessions that you can do in your PJs, an unputdownable thriller and other reasons to love every second of this month.