Mug cakes have been a huge Pinterest trend for the past two years, but I’ve resisted posting anything about them on Collegiate Cook for one critical reason: I don’t think they taste good. They’re just not worth the effort — or calories. Have a Swiss Cake Roll or some Ben & Jerry’s, if you […]
Dorm-Approved Meals
3-Ingredient Crunchy Chocolate Bars

It’s late. You’re craving a candy bar (even just a little bite), but you’re not feeling like making that trek to the convenience store. As long as you have chocolate chips and some cereal on hand, you don’t have to. These Crunchy Chocolate Bars are the best way to make use of that old ice […]
Cookie Dough is the New Bacon

Most of us are powerless when confronted with cookie dough. It sings to us from the mixing bowl, and even the most iron-willed, “I don’t care for sweets” person struggles not to sample a tiny bite (or tablespoonful). Its siren-like pull is nothing new, but it seems like most companies are slowly awakening to […]
Yes, You CAN Make This Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette

Making your own salad dressing just seems like overkill, doesn’t it? I mean, how could it be easier — or tastier — than the store-bought, premade kind? That’s what I always thought, until I read Shauna Niequist’s Bread and Wine, and I felt like I had to at least give it a shot. And now […]
Microwave Risotto Using I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Deliciously Simple

When the temperature dips somewhere between freezing and Star Wars‘ Hoth, a bowl of creamy risotto is just what you crave to thaw out and become human again. If you’ve always shied away from the dish after hearing horror stories of all the stirring, stirring, stirring the dish requires (seriously, some recipes showed 40 minutes […]
DIY Gifts People Will Actually Like

Give gifts they’ll truly enjoy — even if you’re too cash-strapped to afford anything on their wish list. (No shame in that!)
Foodie Friday: Spooky Spicy Black Bean Dip

Jarred salsa has a new nemesis, and it’s not on the grocery aisle. It’s a black bean dip you can make in five minutes. It’s dorm-approved. And it’s loaded with fiber and flavor. Plus, you can cut out a Jack-O’-Lantern, skull or ghost’s face in cheese and melt it on top for bonus festive-party points. […]
Foodie Friday: 3-Ingredient Ghost Truffles

I was ready to moonwalk down the street to the tune of “Casper, the Friendly Ghost” when I thought of this recipe. It was the perfect combination of the truffles that captured Buzzfeed’s attention AND Halloween goofiness. I knew, as sure as I knew (uh, spoiler alert!) that Miley Cyrus was going to be the […]
Host a New Girl Watch Party

Get Zooey Deschanel’s style, New Girl recipe and decor ideas, and more, so you can have the Schmiddtiest watch party ever. And by “Schmiddtiest,” we mean the best ever. Not what it sounds like. Okay?