The ’90s were the golden — err, radioactive slime green? — era of Nickelodeon TV. Legends of the Hidden Temple, Rugrats, Rocko’s Modern Life, Double Dare, What Would You Do?, Angry Beavers — with that lineup, it’s not surprising the company created a separate TV channel that continuously replays all of its classic shows. (It’s […]
Harley Quinn Costume Ideas

Halloween 2016 belongs to Harley Quinn. The costume is going to be everywhere this fall — shoot, it’s already everywhere this fall, considering Margot Robbie’s Suicide Squad look is plastered front and center in just about every ad or window display for Halloween costumes this year. This might deter some people (and for them, we […]
Candy Corn Magic Bars: The Best Way to Use Up Leftover Candy

If you somehow wind up with extra Halloween candy this year — or you go HAM at the grocery store, only to realize you can’t be trusted with such a bounty mere feet away from you — you’ve got to try these Candy Corn Magic Bars. These gooey bars are totally customizable, so you can […]
Pokemon Costume Ideas

If you want to be the very best, like no one ever was — then you probably need to be playing Pokemon Go all day, every day, in order to keep up with the diehards who’ve been scouring the Earth, grinding Pidgeys and hitting the gym more often than the bros in your chem class […]
Starbucks Costume Ideas

Love it or hate it, you can’t deny that Starbucks has cemented itself in American culture. There’s a siren-logoed store on every street corner, and in many circles, it’s officially fall the moment the chain releases the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Combine that with the rainbow drink craze that had people everywhere Instagramming their coffee breaks […]
Stranger Things Costume Ideas

There was a point this summer when it seemed like everybody was talking about Stranger Things. If you hadn’t watched it, you needed to, just to understand every cryptic reference to demogorgons, the number 11, and perhaps most confusingly, Eggo waffles. At least, that’s what happened to us, and halfway through the first episode, we […]
Mr. Robot Costumes

Everything you need to be Mr. Robot for Halloween: Please tell me you are seeing this too. We are completely obsessed with Sam Esmail’s Mr Robot. And why shouldn’t we be: The acting is fantastic (READ: Award-winning), the story makes your question your own susceptibility to being hacked by some Anonymous-type hacker rebellion, and the unreliable narrator […]
Hello, Halloween ’16!

Guess who’s back, back again?! As popular as certain recipes are on Collegiate Cook, this site is arguably even better known for its 3-week tribute to All Hallows Eve, and this year is no different. For the next 15 weekdays, hit us up to get fresh costume and recipe ideas to make Halloween ’16 better […]
Chilaquiles Are the Cheap, Easy Breakfast You’re Long Overdue to Make

When somebody first explained chilaquiles to me, I had some reservations. You mean you pour a salsa and chicken broth-based mixture over tortilla chips and bake it? Doesn’t that turn into a soggy, gloppy mess? And does it really have that much flavor, given the minimal ingredients it uses? I grew up in a loaded-nachos […]
Taste Test: Far East Foods Chicken Panang Curry

Sometimes, you need to break free of that mac & cheese, grilled chicken, spaghetti and salad rut. Sure, you totally crush those meals, but you can make them with your eyes closed, and frankly, they’re getting a little boring. Thai food is a refreshing alternative to pull you out of the same old, same old, but […]